#4: Inner Range Breathing

Watch this video to learn:

  • What is inner range breathing?

  • When, how, and why we apply it to exercise?

Inner range breathing is building off the of the Full Range Draw-In. Instead of fully expanding to the outer range on the inhale as previously discussed, an inner range breath only allows the abdominals to expand slightly on the inhale because the movement requires tension to still be maintained. This will happen when there is not an “easy” phase of a movement.

For example, when holding a plank position, you don’t have a hard or easy phase because you are staying in one position throughout the exercise. However, we still want to make breath and recruitment of the deep core our main priority. This is when you would perform inner range breathing. Holding a high plank, you would inhale and expand slightly, while still holding on to tension. You are not letting your muscles relax or fully expand because we still need them to work. From that slight expansion, exhale and draw in the abdominals. Inhale, expand slightly. Exhale and repeat. Your breath is working the abdominals through the inner range of motion.

Again, this breath strategy is applied to movements where support is needed through the entirety of the movement.


#3: Full Range Draw-in


#5: Posture and Finding Neutral Spine