Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10 (5 each side)
Place a dumbbell to one side (hip level) and get into the bear crawl hold position. Lift the knees 2 inches above the floor and push the floor away with the palms.
Practice inner range breathing here: Inhale and allow the ribcage to gently expand to prep for the movement.
Exhale and draw in your core as you reach across and under your body. Pull the dumbbell towards the opposite side.
Inhale and reset once the palm is back down.
Exhale and repeat to the opposite side.
This is an anti-rotation exercise - aim to keep the spine in neutral and keep the body as still as possible, even as you unweight.
Lower out of the bear crawl position after each rep and build up reps as tolerated.
Use a lighter weight or none at all. Mimic the movement and build up to some resistance.
If this hurts your wrists, try rolling a towel roll under your palms.