Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10 each side
Attach a long resistance band to an anchor point.
If your anchor point is low (like the video), your movement will be a diagonal lift up (aka LIFT).
If your anchor point is higher, your movement will be a diagonal chop down (aka CHOP).
Either is fine! You can also mix it up and try both diagonal patterns.
Get some tension through the band, and set your feet up in a staggered stance position.
Inhale and expand the ribcage to prep for the movement.
Exhale as you draw in your core, rotate through your trunk and push the band away from the anchor point. Make sure you think about using the trunk/obliques and not just the shoulders.
Inhale as you return to the starting position.
Shorten your stance (increasing base of support).
Use an easier resistance band.
Decrease the range of motion.