Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10 breaths
Get into a high plank position, stacking shoulders over the wrists and keeping the body in a straight line. Do not let your back sag towards the floor.
Create a strong base through the upper back by PUSHING the floor away with your palms. Feel the shoulder blades round along the ribcage.
There is no “rest” phase in a plank - perform inner range breathing here.
Inhale as you allow the ribs to gently expand.
Exhale and blow out through pursed lips. Zip in your core - lower, middle and upper abs.
Inhale and expand gently. Exhale and re-recruit.
Make sure your abs are drawing in vs pushing out.
Take the plank to your knees and work up to 10 breaths/reps. (ex. Hold for 2-3 breaths, and drop down to knees to reset).
Take to an incline (bench or chair).
If you have wrist pain, you can try rolling a towel under your palms. You can also try taking it down to the forearms - be aware the difficulty of the plank may increase in this position.