Sets: 1
Reps: 20 (10 each side)
Stand up holding the pilates ball at your chest.
Inhale to prepare for the movement, allowing ribcage and pelvic floor to expand.
Exhale and blow out through a straw. Press your palms into the ball and draw in your pelvic floor and core. Shift your weight to one side and march the other leg up.
Feel your core keeping your trunk in midline, avoiding leaning excessively to one side. Think about centering ribcage over pelvis.
Perform slowly to practice gaining balance.
Inhale reset. Exhale press and lift as you alternate to the other side.
Additional note: Pregnancy causes a shift in center of mass so it is common to feel off balance in the early postpartum days. Use this exercise to find balance and make your core a part of the movement.