Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10 (5 each side)
Attach a medium resistance band to an anchor point above your head.
Lie on your back with your knees at 90/90 position. Pull down on the band and hold your arms straight out in front.
This band pull from above is used to help depress your ribcage down and assist in keeping your low back in neutral.
Inhale to prep and expand (inner range breathing here).
Exhale as you blow out through a straw. Tap one heel down to the floor keeping the knee bent. Bring the knee back up.
Inhale at the top and reset. Exhale and switch legs.
Aim to extend your exhale through the full range of motion of the heel tap.
Make sure to draw your abdominals inwards and monitor for pushing out.
You should NOT feel any painful pulling or tugging in the abdomen or scar. You should not feel anything in your lower back. If you do, check out the mods below.
Decrease the range of motion of the heel taps (taping heel closer to your butt or not lowering as much).
Take the heel taps out and practice holding the 90/90 position with breathing.
Perform the heel taps starting from the floor (similar to the supine march in earlier weeks).