Sets: 2
Reps: 8-12 breaths
Lie on your back and hold your legs in a 90/90 position (hips and knees bent to 90 degrees).
Place a block between the knees and arms by your side.
Inhale and expand the ribcage to prep for the movement.
Because you are holding a stationary position, refer to the inner range pulse breath that was discussed in the foundations videos. Think “expand about 25-50% of range” instead of achieving full relaxation and expansion.
Exhale like you are blowing through a straw, draw in the lower, middle and upper abdominals together. Squeeze the block with your inner thighs. You should feel the abs draw in, not push out. Your rib cage should depress towards the floor as you exhale.
Inhale, expand. Exhale, draw in and repeat.
You should not feel anything in your low back.
Decrease the rep count as needed.
Increase upper body assist by pushing into the floor or placing the fingertips under the low back.