Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10
Stand with feet hip distance apart and dumbbell in line with your midfoot. Choose the weight of your dumbbell to be challenging but doable.
Inhale as you hinge back, allowing the ribcage to expand. Keep your back flat. Knees are slightly bent.
Exhale as you blow through a straw, draw in your core and press your feet into the floor to push up to stand.
Inhale, expand and lengthen as you lower back down.
Exhale and repeat.
Avoid overarching and leaning back at the top. Think about depressing your ribcage down when you come up to stand.
You should feel this working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Your core is working to stabilize the spine, but you shouldn’t feel any pain in your lower back.
Decrease the weight.
Lift from an elevated surface (step stool, yoga block, etc.).