Sets: 2-3
Reps: 12 (6 each side)
Lie on your back with knees bent. Hold the pilates ball at your chest.
Lift your hips into a bridge position.
Inhale and expand the ribcage to prep for the movement.
Exhale as you draw in the core and press your palms into the ball. Slowly march one leg up and back down, keeping the knee bent.
Inhale and reset once the leg is back down. Exhale and repeat on the opposite leg.
Aim to keep the pelvis level as you unweight the leg. You want to avoid letting one side “drop”.
The ball is there to provide resistance for your core to work against. You should feel your abdominals engaging in response to the ball press.
The leg that is NOT marching is the working leg. Think about driving that foot into the mat to activate the glutes and hamstrings.
You should feel this in the core, glutes, and hamstrings. You should not feel this in the lower back.
If you do feel this in the lower back, perform a posterior pelvic tilt, tucking your tailbone under.
Lowering in and out of the bridge with each rep.
Decreasing the range of motion of your bridge and not lifting as high.
Instead of marching, just lift your heel (toe will stay down)
Remove the ball and have your arms down on the mat for additional stability.