Sets: 2-3
Reps: 8 each side
Lie on your side with your knees bent, close to a bench.
Place your top lower leg on the bench and prop your upper body up with your forearm.
Inhale and expand the ribcage to prep for the movement.
Exhale as you draw in your core and drive your top leg down into the bench to lift the rest of your body up to midline (bring your bottom leg with you).
Inhale as you lower back down.
You should feel this working through the inner thigh on top, as well as the deep core.
Decrease the range of the movement - don’t lift as high. Start by even just pressing into the bench and barely lifting.
Move closer to the bench - the closer your hip is to the bench, the easier.
Strengthening the adductors is largely beneficial postpartum, but progress as tolerated if you experience any pubic symphysis discomfort.