Sets: 1
Reps: 15 each side
Lie on your back and place the pilates ball on the inside of your knee and hold with the opposite hand.
Inhale, relax and expand the core and pelvic floor.
Exhale and blow out through pursed lips. Draw in your core and pelvic floor. Press the inside of your knee and the ball together with an intensity that feels tolerable. Your abs should not be pushing out.
Hold the press through your full slow exhale.
Inhale, relax the core and pelvic floor to reset.
Exhale, draw in and repeat. Imagine you are connecting your opposite lower ribs to the other hip bone.
Tip: Pressing the ball on the inside of the thigh connects the adductors to the obliques which is a muscle synergy called the “anterior oblique sling” that can be compromised with a c-section. Strengthening this helps improve strength and stability along the abdominals and anterior pelvis!