Sets: 2
Reps: 10
On all fours, stack shoulders over wrists and hips over knees.
Place a yoga block between your knees.
Inhale to prep for the movement, allowing the ribcage to expand.
Exhale as you blow out through a straw. Draw in your pelvic floor and core as you squeeze the block with your inner thighs.
Keep exhaling and lift the knees 1-2 inches above the floor.
Inhale once you are lowered back down. Reset and repeat. The exhale will extend through the full rep.
A few form tips:
Create a stable base through your shoulders by pushing your shoulders away from the floor. You will feel the shoulder blades round (vs pull together). “Push the floor away”.
Your low back should be flat if not a little rounded. Avoid arching and dipping to the floor.
Make sure the abs are drawing inwards vs. pushing outwards.