Sets: 2
Reps: 12 (6 each side)
Set up in an incline plank position on wall, counter or bench. It is recommended to set up on a wall to start, and very gradually decrease the incline as you feel comfortable.
Inhale and expand the ribcage to prep for the movement.
Exhale as you zip/draw in the core, stabilize through the midsection and one arm, as you tap the opposite shoulder with the other arm.
Inhale and reset once you are back in plank position.
Exhale and repeat tapping the shoulder on the opposite side.
Tip: think about pressing the stabilizing arm into the wall. Your shoulder blade should protract and round (vs, caving inwards). This creates a proper stable base through the scapula and upper back as you unweight the opposite arm.
Increase the incline as needed to perform confidently.
Modify the shoulder tap to a hand lift.