Level 3 Skip to Videos Workout #1 - Connection + Mobility | Workout #1 - Strength | Workout #2 - Connection + Mobility | Workout #2 - Strength | Workout #3 - Connection + Mobility | Workout #3 - Strength | Workout #1 - Connection + Mobility, BOW AND ARROW AT WALL Workout #1 - Connection + Mobility, 90/90 HIP SWITCHES WITH BLOCK SUPPORT Workout #1 - Connection + Mobility, STANDING FULL RANGE DRAW IN Workout #1 - Connection + Mobility, LEG EXTENSION WITH BALL PRESS Workout #1 - Strength, BEAR CRAWL ISOMETRICS WITH BLOCK Workout #1 - Strength, REVERSE LUNGE WITH BALL PRESS Workout #1 - Strength, LATERAL SIDE STEPS Workout #1 - Strength, STAGGERED DEADLIFT WITH BAND Workout #2 - Connection + Mobility, ADDUCTOR ROCKBACK WITH ROTATION Workout #2 - Connection + Mobility, HIP FLEXOR STRETCH WITH REACH Workout #2 - Connection + Mobility, PELVIC CAT/COW Workout #2 - Connection + Mobility, FORWARD LEAN Workout #2 - Strength, PALLOF PRESS HALF KNEELING Workout #2 - Strength, FOREARM HIP EXTENSION Workout #2 - Strength, BODYWEIGHT LATERAL LUNGES Workout #2 - Strength, SEATED ALTERNATING OVERHEAD PRESS Workout #3 - Connection + Mobility, THORACIC ROTATION AT WALL Workout #3 - Connection + Mobility, GOOD MORNINGS WITH REACH Workout #3 - Connection + Mobility, PHYSIO BALL PRESS Workout #3 - Connection + Mobility, BANDED CAT/COW Workout #3 - Strength, BANDED CHEST PRESS Workout #3 - Strength, INCLINE PLANK SHOULDER TAP - WALL/COUNTER/BENCH Workout #3 - Strength, FOREARM DONKEY KICK Workout #3 - Strength, GOBLET SQUAT WITH DUMBBELL